Confessions of a Momprenuer with a #mombod

Confessions of a Momprenuer with a #mombod

Juggling this new momprenuer role has been anything but boring and this #mombod has officially caught up with me.

Don’t get me wrong, I am happier than I have ever been. I’ve come to realize that between motherhood and entrepreneurship, I have found my calling. BUT in the midst of all of the happy and busy of diving head first into real estate and becoming a mom + keeping up with my wifey-ness, I have started to neglect an important part of me – my body!

I realize some of you may think I have no room to complain so understand that this is not me complaining, but choosing to do something about what I’m noticing.

Before I got pregnant, I was in the best shape of my life. I was Thriving and working out 3-5 times per week – primarily Barre, Yoga, and Flywheel. This magical combination is probably why I got pregnant in the first place, but that’s a story for another day. I never really ate super clean. I’m a huge foodie and yes, I reward myself with food sometimes like I’m a dog – judge me. However, I did believe in moderation, which is a mindset that has unfortunately made it’s way out the window through pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When I got pregnant, I continued to work out. I primarily stuck with walking and yoga in the second and third trimesters, but I still kept the habit and craved it if I missed it.

That said, between entrepreneurship and #momlife, my workouts have been skimped out on lately and I’ve been inconsistent with my Thrive and eating. This once a week yoga and daily walk on the pretty days simply isn’t cutting it. What has become more apparent to me than ever is that fat really does weigh more than muscle. Most days the scale actually tells me I weigh less than before I got pregnant. Woohoo me, right!? No…

You hear it all the time and see the comparison images, but have you ever physically felt it? I am feeling it right now.

Rewind to one of my first postpartum posts, I made a comment about how proud I was of my body for all it just did and refused to be ashamed of it because it didn’t look like what it did pre-baby. Carrying and delivering a baby into this world is pretty empowering. How could I not be in awe of my body for this?

This pride has not gone away by any means, but when you realize that you need to do something for your health and not for the weight loss and what you see in the mirror, you’re talking about a whole different ball game of motivation.

Needless to say, I’m ready to commit to getting back at it. They say it takes 8 weeks (66 days to be exact according to The One Thing) to create a habit. Although I wish I never got out of my habit, I’m done beating myself up over it and am ready to do something about it.

When I thought about what I personally wanted to get back to most, it was more yoga. You’d be amazed what this practice can do for you, both physically and mentally. If you think it’s easy, think again. You will wake up sore in muscles you didn’t even know you had and, coming from someone who’s brain NEVER shuts off, it is borderline necessary for my wellbeing. More on this, here.

Yoga may not be your thing. I have plenty of friends who would prefer cardio or weight training and that is AWESOME! I’m over here like “yea, don’t put me down for cardio” – unless it’s spin! I’ll throw it all in occasionally, but I personally know yoga is something I can commit to daily and that could have the power to change multiple aspects of my life. Plus, waking up early enough to get a morning yoga sesh in before the rest of the family gets up, gives you a moment for you and has the power to set the pace for your whole day, if you let it.

I chose to share this with you all because it helps hold me accountable. I’m sure my previous life of Thrive posts drove some people crazy, but you know what being a part of something like that does to you? It holds you accountable. Yet another reason to forget what everyone else thinks and do what works for you to get you to your goals!

I’ll try to spare you the posts along the way, but I’m not making any promises.

So to you, friends and fellow mama bears – I hope this inspires you to do something like this for yourself. If you need someone to hold you accountable, let me know. I’d be more than happy to be that person for you. Either way, wish me luck! Here.we.go.

Rule #76 – no excuses, play like a champion.

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